Top 5 Anxiety medication

Top 5 Anxiety medication

There are various medication regimens available for different types of anxiety disorders. Some of these medications aim to prevent the onset of anxiety, while others aim to treat the underlying problem. What is anxiety? Anxiety is an emotional state often accompanied by tension, worry, and physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling voice changes, or increased …

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Ativan vs Xanax

Ativan vs Xanax: Differences, similarities, and which is better for you

Ativan and Xanax are medications used to treat anxiety and panic disorders, but they belong to different classes of drugs. Ativan contains the active ingredient lorazepam, while Xanax contains alprazolam. They have similar mechanisms of action, as they both enhance the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid to calm the brain. The main difference …

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Strategies for Managing ADHD

Strategies for Managing ADHD

Whar is ADHD? ADHD is the most common mental condition affecting children and adults. ADHD symptoms include hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. According to estimates, 2.5% of adults and 8.4% of children have ADHD. ADHD is commonly first diagnosed in childhood and often stays into adulthood. People with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) have brain differences that impact …

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